Pupil Wellbeing

ISI Inspection

Key Finding:

“Throughout the school pupils have a mature understanding and respect of cultural diversity and tolerance of individual differences.”

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

The pastoral care and wellbeing is always a priority within our school community, it lies at the core of everything we do. We foster an ethos of respect and compassion for others.

We teach all our pupils, from Pre-Reception, the importance of mental health, whether it be through our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) lessons, Religious Education lessons, assemblies, themed weeks. Examples of this are mental wellbeing, yoga, mindfulness and counselling.

We believe that everyone has a significant role to play in the nurturing and protection of our pupils. We develop strong home school partnerships through promoting open relationships with our parents, we have regular communication whilst providing a sense of collaboration, working in the best interest of the child. It is for this reason that pastoral care lies at the core of everything we do as a school.

The importance of learning for life is greater than ever and our curriculum is designed to ensure that our pupils are equipped to face life beyond school with a proper understanding of the world around them, along with the importance of forging and maintaining healthy relationships.