Lower Two

Lower Two is led by Mrs. G. Mongelard and Mr. N. Moody, who are supported by Mrs. J. West and Mrs. N. Tucker

“Children need adults to show then that learning is fun, relevant and enjoyable but difficult sometimes!”
Mrs. Mongelard and Mr. Moody

Lower Two is a calm and focused year; a year to embed all of the knowledge learnt in lower key stage two, a year to develop the skills pupil’s will require for Common Entrance and Grammar examinations and a year to start the preparations for the transition to secondary school. This is often a year when children grow in maturity and gain greater independence and confidence from being given more responsibility in their learning.

During the pupils time in Lower Two we endeavour to cover a wide range of experiences which will enhance the Year 5 curriculum. We use a combination of both onsite workshops and various offsite trips.

This often takes place at an outdoor adventure centre. The children learn how to keep a raft afloat by working as a team, go on canoeing adventures, take part in target sports and have lots of fun doing so!

Visit the sky academy studio and experience making a real life television production.  Take a tour of the main studio and see presenters as they work and record live shows.  See the latest media technology at work.

Children are given the opportunity to not just read about the past, but live it. The enrichment days inspire your children through crafts, drama and role-play to immerse themselves in history.

In the Spring term the children visit a restaurant to support our ‘Healthy Eating’ topic in P.S.H.E. The pupils experience weighing and measuring whilst enjoying the diversity of different cuisines.

In the summer term the children experience a week long residential trip. Sometimes to France; learning everything French, from making croissants to visiting the landing beaches of WWII or an action packed visit to a  PGL site in the UK.